Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome Back

Term 3 is now well under way!

It was lovely being back together as a class and hearing everyone's exciting recounts of what they got up to during the term break. It sounds like everyone was very spoilt!

The children have settled quickly back in to everyday school life and are currently working through the process of setting new learning goals for the term. These goals will be linked to the terms focus areas which include narrative writing, creative and critical thinking skills, wearable arts and numeracy (algebra and number knowledge). The goals will be published this week and a copy sent home for each child to share with mum and dad.

The big talking point for this term is undoubtedly the 'Wearable Arts Show', to be held in the last week of term. We have already began the process of:
1. Inspiring through evaluating past designs.
2. Learning about what makes a design a wearable work of art vs a recreation of a costume.
3. Exploring various techniques for creating artworks, i.e. Weaving.

Below is a slideshow of the children learning basic weaving skills.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Learning weaving was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot.
