Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome to 2011!

Welcome back!
I hope you have all had a fantastic holiday and are all ready for an exciting 2011!
Term 1 promises to be amazing!!
In Room 12 (and throughout the middle block) we have lovely new carpet and some great blinds making the class look super.

This is how the term is shaping up....
- Camp in week 6: 8/4 - 11/4 up to Forest Lakes
- Swimming begins in week 2. We will be swimming every day for the first few weeks as
we have some instructors helping us with our coaching.
- Touch rugby begins in week 3 for those wanting to play. (Please return any
- Units of work are as follows:
- Mathematics - Place Value
- Inquiry - Camp prep and a unit called Peer Mediation
- Literacy - Poetry and then recount writing
- P.E - Swimming and then small ball skills

- Please remember sun hats on day 1
- Swimming togs on Monday of week 2

I am looking forward to seeing every one on Wednesday the 2nd of February.
Peter Hull

P.S - Check out this fun video clip - enjoy....

Video: Dobrodošla nazaj / T-Mobile / nenavadno presenečenje na letališču na

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Peter I have seen this before...but it is so cool ! Well done TMobile ! Apparently it was totally unrehearsed at arrivals which I think shows on the passenger's faces.

Thanks again
Michelle Pendrous