Friday, July 23, 2010

What a great first week!

We have had a great first week in Room 12.
It is good to be back and the children are looking forward to a fantastic term.

Here is how the week unfolded...

This week we started our character writing unit by discussing what a piece of character writing is. The children shared their ideas with each other. We then looked at 3 examples of character writing, all done by children of about the same age. From these we made some success criteria to guide us in our own writing. We also did an activity called 'show, don't tell'. This is a fun activity where the children had to take a sentence such as 'Mrs Twit was mad'. This sentence is telling the reader, but we want to show them. So, the children had to describe what Mrs Twit was doing, and through her body language and actions show the reader that Mrs Twit was angry. The word 'angry' and any words that mean the same as angry were not allowed to be used.

mathematics we stayed in our own class and did some fun activities with geometry, such as drawing 3d shapes on isometric dot paper.

We kicked off our inquiry this week 'A taste of town planning' by completing a KWL (knowledge, wonder, Learned) chart on what we know and wonder about the history of Eastbourne. A lot of great conversation was had, and between the entire class we already have a load of knowledge (some of which we are not sure how accurate it is). We then looked at old photo's of Eastbourne adn compared them with how that area looks now. It was not always easy to tell where the area actually was! Our next step was to choose a resource that has been (or still is) in the community and find out a little about it using the internet. The children have found some amazing things out about the anti-submarine boom, the hotel that is now Wellesley College and the history of Muritai School.

Our Art has begun, but we have started with some collage work using our initials. It's messy work but fun! We also did a bit of talking about our school production!

What next week will bring...
  • We begin our gymnastics
  • We have a guest speake coming in on Tuesday to talk to us about Eastbourne's history
  • We have a trip on Friday to watch a show called 'End Game'
A great week to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Buddies!
Everyone in Room 6 is really impressed with our new Buddies. We like hearing about all the work you have done already in the first week back of this term. You have been busy! We had a great time in the holidays and we will see you on Wednesday.
Love Room 6