Tuesday, June 22, 2010


What an amazing group of speeches we had in Room 12 this year! Such a range of topics that were so well delivered. The Room 12 children that went through to the year group finals were Caela, Hailey and Daisy. They did so well, but just missed out on going through to the finals.

From the year group finals of 13 speeches 3 finalists from each year group were selected. It was a tough decision for the judges as they were all such high quality.

Here are the finalists:

Year 5:


Year 6:


These six will participate in the Speech Finals this Thursday afternoon judged by Mr. Bird and Mr. Skilton.

Best of luck to everyone!!


zara said...

All the speeches were great!A positive was that the speeches turned out to be really good.A minus was that I didn't get to see Olly's speech because I helped Daisy with something for her speech.However, I'm looking forward to seeing it.An interesting was that the smallest bat in the world was smaller than someone's pinky!

Anonymous said...

this speeches were great but i would liked somebody
to win from our class

from David

Unknown said...

P- It was cool listning to the speech semi-finilasts

M- I didn't get through to the finals

I- That I was first up