Sunday, June 20, 2010

Amazing pencil sketches!

Check out our amazing art work!
Our WALT was to draw what we see and to use our pencils in different ways to create shading and tones.
Click the images to view them larger.


Anonymous said...

P.... I think the pencil sketchers are great.

M.... They were black and white.

I.... It was interesting how good a quality the sketchers were.


Anonymous said...

P- They were really fun.

M- The shading was hard.

I- How well they all turned out.


Anonymous said...

P- They were really fun.

M- The shading was hard.

I- How well they all turned out.


Anonymous said...

P- it was fun!!!!!!!!

M- we only used a pencil

I- how they came out

Hailey said...

P- They were really fun and we put hard work into it.

M- The shading was hard.

I- they all turned out so well.

Unknown said...

P- They were fun to draw

M- We didn't get to draw our camp photo

I- We couldn't draw them in


Anonymous said...

P........There very good sketchers.

M........They turned out green.


By James

Unknown said...

positive - i like my picture.

minus - i do not like red pencil

interesting - i find emily's picture interesting.

Unknown said...

Positive - I like my picture.

minus - i do not like red art pencil.

interesting - I find Emily's picture interesting.
